Gloria Lemay, MIDWIFE

Speaking on:


Head Back

When: Friday, September 8, 2000
Time: 7 to l0 PM. (doors open at 6:30 PM please come early)
Where: The Elizabeth Seton Centre
222 West l4th Street
Manhattan, New York (between 7th & 8th Avenues)

Tickets: available at the door or call to reserve
Judith Halek: 212-222-4349 (phone)
Checks payable to: G. Lemay
Mail to: J. Halek
309 W. l09th St., #6D
NYC, NY l0025.
(Please write your phone contact number on check.)

Investment Fee: $25 per person, $40 per couple.

Gloria Lemay is a private birth attendant from Vancouver, BC, Canada. She has assisted at more than 800 waterbirths in the home setting and is a popular speaker and lecturer at Childbirth Conferences throughout North America. She teaches midwifery skills workshops and childbirth education classes in Vancouver. New York is her first stop on a tour of 9 North American cities to teach and lecture on the advantages of water immersion for gentle, natural childbirth. This evening will feature a slide show of several women giving birth in inflatable pools in their own homes. Gloria is a committed, passionate speaker with a flair for humor and story telling.

She has always specialized in VBAC support and about l6 years ago she began being called upon to attend planned waterbirths. Vancouver tends to be influenced by the westcoast California mentality and its proximity to the Pacific Ocean seems to encourage the "mermaid women" to head for warm water when birth begins. The ocean is colder than you can imagine so they make their own little oceans in their living rooms with inflatable pools.

Gloria worked as an illegal lay midwife for most of her career as midwifery was legislated as an act only a physician could perform in her province. In l998, midwifery became a regulated health profession in British Columbia. Gloria chose not to register with the government midwifery regulatory body and now calls herself a private birth attendant. She assists families who wish to birth "unassisted" by the medical profession.

She is a passionate, funny, and articulate speaker. She writes regularly for Midwifery Today magazine and has been a speaker at midwifery conferences all over North America. She will be showing slides of home waterbirths in Vancouver that will be educational for parents and professionals.

"West Coast midwife, Gloria Lemay, is without question the hardest working, longest serving, most outgoing midwife Canada can call her own." --Catherine Young, Editor, The Compleat Mother, Fall '98

"Gloria, you are one of the most honorable women I know. Thank you for your strength and perseverance. I love you dearly." --Jan Tritten, Editor, Midwifery Today Magazine

"In l997, my massage therapist recommended I attend Gloria's slide show on waterbirth--I thought he was crazy. I had had 3 very good hospital birth experiences. I had my eyes opened to the true nature of givingbirth that night and have now had two home waterbirths! What a difference." --Marlene Brajek, New Westminster, BC (May 2000)

All your questions will be answered about the growing popularity of waterbirth and what it takes to achieve this goal. Everyone is welcome.

Contact Judith  212-222-4349   NYC, NY
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