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C7 "Herstory of Midwifery," with Dorothea Lang and Sheila Kitzinger, interviewed by Judith Halek, 1999, NYC, NY.
video length : 58min 45sec
cost: $55


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C8 Sheila Kitzinger: "The Anthropology of Birth & The Multifuntional Role of The Midwife," June 7, 1998, NYC, Elizabeth Seton Childbearing Center, NYC, NY.
video length : 59min 37sec
cost: $55


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C9 Elizabeth Seton Women¹s Health Fair "The Herstorical and Present Day Perspectives of Water Birth," Speaker: Judith Halek, March 27, 1999, NYC, NY..
video length : 56min 10sec
cost: $55


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C10 "An Unusual Waterbirth," Tawanna (mother), Artis,(father) Essence, (baby) Tara & Myrtis, (labor support): Guests interviewed by Judith Halek, Elizabeth Seton Childbearing Center Featured, 1999, NYC, NY.
video length : 59min 08sec
cost: $55


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C11 "Hospital Waterbirth," February 14,1999, With Italian Couple & Labor Support Doula, Judith Halek interviews Megan & Allessandro Pacetti along with Grandparents Pacetti and Labor Support Doula, Linda Cohen, NYC, NY.
video length : 59min 06sec
cost: $55


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C12 Unavailable

C13 "The Herstory of Waterbirth," Part 1, with Estelle Myers, Grandmother of waterbirth and dolphins, interview by Judith Halek, Fall 1999, NYC, NY.
video length : 58min 20sec
cost: $55


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D1 "A Water Labor: BirthCenter Birth, featuring Elizabeth Seton Childbearing Center, NYC," Judith Halek interviews a young Latino couple regarding their birth experience May 3, 1999, NYC, NY.
video length : 55min 08sec
cost: $55

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Contact Judith  212-222-4349   NYC, NY
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Website designed by Natalie Jung