Home VBAC Waterbirth
May 5th at 12:36 PM, 9lbs, 2oz
Paulo, my sweet little boy, you were born on Friday, May 5th at 12:36 PM.
You weighed 9lbs, 2oz. and I still cannot believe it! You are so precious
and it makes me so happy to tell the story about how you arrived into this
It was about 2am Friday morning and I was awoken by some cramping in my tummy so I got up to go pee and was feeling very excited that the time was perhaps nearing to meet you. I decided to go back to bed to lie down and see if I could sleep through some of the cramping and get some rest. I knew I was going to meet you that day. At 3am I felt a sharp pain and POP! My water broke. I got up to go sit on the toilet and watched as fluid leaked into the toilet. I told your Dad that it was time and because I had awoken him from sleep he thought I meant it was time to go to work. I told him to go back to sleep and that I would try to get some rest as well. I called Gloria to tell her the good news and she asked me when I thought I was going to have you. I said 4 PM, though I think an earlier number came to mind immediately, but I didn't want to get my hopes up that it would be so soon.
I started futzing around the house getting things ready. I carried the stereo downstairs, got the altar ready with the stone that had been blessed at the blessing way and the feather that Gloria gave us. I smudged the room and told you how excited I was to meet you. I held on tight to my special crystal. I put some essential oils in the diffuser and went back upstairs to make the labor-aide drink that tasted so yummy throughout the labor. All the while I was having contractions and dealing with them as they came.
Gloria called at 4 am to tell me she would be leaving Vancouver shortly and would be here in about an hour. I was happy to see her when she arrived and she set up a bed for me in the birthing room. Not long after, your big sister awoke and came downstairs to cuddle up with me and she rubbed my back while I was having contractions. She was wonderful to be with at that time, a comforting presence. Gloria went and had a nap upstairs and soon after your Papa awoke and was surprised to learn that Gloria was already here. He too, came to rub my back and around 8:30 I decided to call Suzanne and asked Dad to call Sue and Yvonne.
arrived at about 9 and then Papa and Gloria got to work filling up the pool.
I took a hot shower and it felt great. I entered the pool shortly after.
What a wonderful feeling it was to enter the warm embrace of the water.
I loved it!
The contractions were coming along consistently at this point and I had lots of hands to hold. I liked holding Suzanne's hand and smelling your Papa's arms while I was having contractions. Your sister was feeding me ice chips and putting wet cloths on my face and back, in between wiggle sessions in the den with Suzanne. Suzanne cooked eggs for everyone and Sue and Gerad arrived. It was lovely to see Sue's face and to look into her eyes, knowing that she had just had Gerad at home in water, four months earlier. I came to meet Gloria, our labor assistant and oh so wise and spiritual woman at Sue's blessing way. I knew as soon as I met her that I wanted her to be at our birth and told Chris all about her and he said, 'Let's do it! What's a home birth if it's not in your home?'. We had been talking about getting a midwife from Vancouver but none would be able to come to our home to assist in the birth because we were out of their catchment area.
Back to contractions and I had to pee at one point so I got out and sat on the toilet through a few of them and couldn't wait to get back into the water. The pains were becoming more and more intense. I really liked being on my knees, legs spread wide and arms draped over the sides of the pool while I was having sensations. I also liked swaying and rocking my hips from side to side in between contractions. I remember Gloria telling me that I was wide open for this baby to arrive and that I was dancing and rocking the baby out. It was so comforting to hear her words of encouragement. I was becoming more and more vocal and thought I noticed my sounds as becoming different, louder yet with a little grunting as well. As I was nearing the end of dilation, I remember Gloria saying that just when you think you can't handle it anymore, the time has almost come. I was relieved to hear that and soon after I felt the urge to push. What a wonderful feeling to have the shift in sensation go from intense lower abdominal pain to feeling you move lower and lower into my pelvis. I was so excited that it was happening and a little surprised that it had come so quickly. Gloria asked papa to get into the pool so that he would be ready to catch you. The pushing part felt so good and I waited patiently for the sensations to come. In between sensations I felt you descending as well. When your head crowned I touched you and was so happy to feel you there. A few more sensations passed and I pushed your head out. What a relief! I felt as though your whole body had come out, but it was not so. Gloria asked me to stand up after a few more sensations and while she grabbed hold of your shoulders, I gave another push and out you came. Papa put you on my tummy and together we held you. It was a magical experience. Your big sister got into the pool as well and we reveled in the fresh energy of our new family. I birthed the placenta, your link to me and life source for the past nine months about a half hour after having you and your Papa cut the cord. We then lay down with each other in the room and we were all very much at peace. Thank you, Paulo, my sweet boy, for sharing the birth with me and for being a part of our family. We love you.