Educational Videos
Newborn birth Injuries
The untold stories
Mother-Baby Bond
The Biology of Love
Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin & Farm Midwives 2012
Pushing Position with Epidural
Pushing Upright
Birth in a Squat Position
Freedom for Birth
The face of Birth
Fetus Envy
Rollin McCraty Science of the Heart
Doula and Childbirth Educator
Oops! My Water Broke!
Reducing Infant Mortality
MORE Buisness of
Being Born-2012
One World Birth
Organic Birth
Birth Markings
At Your Cervix
Marsden Wagner on Cytotec
Midwife Ina May Gaskin,
Natural Childbirth - Part 1
Midwife Ina May Gaskin,
Natural Childbirth - Part 2
Midwife Ina May Gaskin,
Natural Childbirth - Part 3
Elena Tonetti Vladimirova,
Birth as We Know It
Humanity Ascending,
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Benefits of a Labor Doula at Birth on MSNBC
Birth Matters Virginia,
Joseph Chilton Pearce,
Forebrain vs. Hindbrain
Dr. Bruce Lipton,
Biology of Belief
Fate of Earth - Fate of Birth
How to Make a Belly Cast
My Best Birth
Michel Odent, Gentle Birth - Part 1
Michel Odent, Gentle Birth - Part 2
Michel Odent, Gentle Birth - Part 3
Homebirth In A Hospital,
Stacey Marie Kerr
Rollin McCraty,
Science of the Heart
Deepak Chopra,
"The Wonder of You"
Reducing Infant Mortality
Epidural Animation
Epidural & Spinal Anesthesia
Face of Birth
Laboring under an Illusion
Cesarean Birth
Labor and Birth
No Woman, No Cry
Breech Birth
A Breech in the System
Yoga Exercises for
Opening Hips and Easier Childbirth
Kegel Exercises during Pregnancy:
Easier Childbirth
Birth by the Numbers